Adopt Birdie

Birthday February 2017

Birdie was a girl on the run when we caught her. She has been living on her own in a neighborhood for months. She wouldn’t let anyone close enough to catch her. She was unsure of the world until she felt the first pet of unconditional love. Now she is at the top of her class in personality and determined to pay it forward. She even created a fun welcome packet for all the new kids. She always makes sure everyone feels included – cat, dog, big and little humans – and we love that about her. Birdie can jump a 4 ft. fence and would do best in a home with another dog – it boosts her confidence!

Adoption is a wonderful way to save two lives and we would love to introduce you to your new best friend!

Costs to Consider as you Plan for Your New Friend:
Adoption Fee: $100 for cats; $125 for dogs