FTL Art Show

 We are hosting a silent auction with local Oklahoma artists and their art – all sold for the benefit of the 300 cats and dogs at Free to Live Animal Sanctuary!

March 13, 2025 
6 p.m. to 8:30 p.m.
Oklahoma Contemporary 
11 NW 11th St. Oklahoma City, OK 73103

With 300 homeless dogs and cats on 20 acres, we know life for these animals is an incredible gift.

Join us for light refreshments and an easy evening of art benefitting the animals of Oklahoma’s largest no-kill animal sanctuary.

Auction site bidpal.net/artauction25

Nearly 50 pieces of art including paintings, glass work and jewelry

No cost to attend/No tickets needed

Enjoy a fun, casusal evening with other animal lovers

All bidding done on your phone

Register on bidpal.net in advance of the evening. You don’t have to be present to bid. Bidding will end at 8:30 p.m.