People often wonder what the biggest expense at Free to Live is regarding regular vet care. It has to be the big three: teeth, hearts and skin.

We often encounter different types of problems that you might not see in your personal home. We also deal in a large volume, so we are likely to see a bit of everything.

One thing is for sure – teeth top out on that list, especially if you are a cat. Our biggest expense and chronic condition for a lot of our cats is stomatitis. The official definition from WebMD is: “Stomatitis is a painful inflammation of the soft tissue inside a cat’s mouth. It’s similar to gingivitis, which is a type of gum disease. Stomatitis, though, affects the mucosal tissue, such as the lips, tongue, roof, and floor of the mouth.”

From viral medications to pain control and teeth extractions, dentals become so important to the quality of life for our cat residents. Thirty percent of our residents suffer from stomatitis at varying progression of disease. For those with more severe disease, they are completely toothless. For those in progression, it can mean dentals every three months.

Also, a significant expense for us – heart issues in both dogs and cats. These conditions can present as lethargy, coughing or trouble breathing. There are various levels of care and many of our residents can live long and normal lives with regular medications and checks at our specialty vets. They look for markers like decreased heart function, or size of heart. We treat the symptoms as they arise. Sometimes that is multiple medications, to even controlling exercise and exposure to the elements. Just ask Simone who has a cushy AC out building for her and her son Sawyer.

Lastly, let’s talk skin and allergies. It may not seem like much, but in the animal world – skin can get expensive with special shampoos, medications, vet visits and diagnosis. We have two dog residents who have lupus on their nose that is aggravated by sun exposure – it can be a challenge to ensure they stay healthy, especially because they have access to their outdoor yards daily. We have cats whose allergies are so severe we must manage them both topically and internally. With so many immuno-compromised residents, staying on top of skin health is one of our most important jobs.

We are happy to provide referrals as we can. We are not vets, but we deal in high volume and experience. You can email us at

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